Page 15 - summer book
P. 15

Hwy 5 - Km 181.5
                                                               open from 7am -6pm
               Explore the Assortment Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
           Enjoy a Delicious Taco or just Hang Out with Two Fun Ladies

           Have you ever wondered about some of the fruit that you are unfamiliar with? Well
           together with Sandra the co owner Fruteria Rodriguez, we will explore some of them.

            STARTING WITH

           They are a little (not so visually appetizing) fruit that comes in pods. Originating in
           Africa, the tamarind tree produces a somewhat sour fruit that is used in various dish-
           es. You can find a prevalent use of tamarindo in cuisines around the world, including
           Asian, African, Middle Eastern and England’s Worcestershire sauce. Many people in
           the US are not familiar with it, as tamarind trees require a tropical climate. What do
           tamarindos taste like? In short, don’t bite into it expecting a sweet flavor. Although tam-
           arindo get sweeter as they ripen, they generally have a pretty tart flavor profile. So with
           such a sour introduction, why use tamarindo? It can be applied in all kinds of curries,
           chutneys and other sauces. Tamarindo also has a sweeter side and can be used in
           candy, and makes a very popular Mexican drink “Jugo de Tamarindo”.
           So if that adventurous cook inside you wants to try something new and tasty, check out
           the many tamarindo recipes on line, and it is a healthy fruit to boot, enjoy!
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