Page 11 - summer book
P. 11

There is something about the repetition of the stroke; catch, pull through, release - that
         exposes the mind to a higher level of placidity found nowhere else. “One mistake can
         cost a race”. he said. “One stray
         thought from the goal can cause
         a dream to die. Yet somehow,
         the end is always reached, the
         destination is always found, only                                      photo: Rowing News Magazine
         to become a challenge again
         the next day.” Coach Loyola ex-
         plained.  “ It’s about competition
         with yourself - going out there to
         do your very best, to give it your
         all, It’s  about  supporting your
         teammates.” To my conscious self, awareness came with the realization that Rosita’s
         was now open and I invited the coach for a fresh cup of java, and more conversation.
         As we continued talking, I could see how proud he is of the team on the water, who this
         morning are the senior members. There are about 40 members of all ages in the club,
         but these are the best.  He points to the yellow double scull passing by on its first lap,
         “those two are our Olympic representatives” Profe, (as they call him) says.  Local boy
         Alexis Bladimir López, along with teammate Miguel Angel Carballo, of Baja California
         Sur, will be going to Paris this summer as part of Mexico’s Olympic Contingency after
         winning the last qualifying competition.
          Historical   Rowing started in San Felipe, as a state of Baja California  government
          Participation  program in 2005 with the arrival of Cuban Coach Jose Manuel Loyota.
          A makeshift gym and storage facility was aquired, and
         formal training started that year. The first group of row-
         ers consisted of 104 students, with 40 assisting to the
         Canamex Games where they won their first medal, a
                                       silver by the 4
                                       women rowers,
                                       Alejandra Casto
                                       Genenis Gracia,
                                       and Melinda and
                                       Neiba Vargas. In 2007 Developer Pat Butler gave
                                       them the Almeja Barbuda building at the Malecon,
                                       which facilitated a better training and storage lo-
                                       cation. The San Felipe Rowing teams have    won
                                       more national and international medals than any
                                       other state in Mexico, They have participated in
                                       the International Olympic Games with their best
                                       placing seventh in Barcelona 92. But the expecta-
                                       tions are high for this year’s doubles team of Alexis
                                       Lopez and Miguel Carballo!
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