Page 21 - summer book
P. 21

I can have up to 15 flights, and some days none.

        Q. Are there any age restrictions or reasons why you wouldn’t want a person to
        fly? How many passengers can you take at one time?
        A: Well, not necessarily a health reason per se, but if they are inebriated they can’t
        fly with me, as it can be risky for both of us. Also, I don’t recommend it for children
        under 3 as it can too much for them to handle and it would create a danger for us
        flying. Other than that, the sky is the limit. That said, due to weight restrictions, I
        can only take one pas-
        senger at a time.
         Q: How far can you fly
        on the ultralight and can
        you land at an airport?
        A:  I  am  able  to  fly  by
        myself up to 180 miles,
        and 120 miles with a
        passenger. The  Ultra-
        light has a tail number
        just as any other air-
        craft, and since I am a
        licensed with Mexico as a pilot for this aircraft I can land at any airport. Although
        I mostly stay closer to home, I have landed in Mexicali and other places across
        the border.
        Q: So as a licensed Ultralight pilot, are you able to give flying lessons? And if so,
        what’s the cost per lesson?
        A: Actually yes! I can offer to teach, which
        could help someone get a license for this
        aircraft, however I cannot certify the peo-
        ple I teach/train.  For that they must go to
        a flight school which is close to Mexico
        City. The cost of the lessons is 200 USD
        and a minimum of 10 lessons are need-
        ed before you can have your first solo
        flight and 15 lessons are required before
        applying for certification.
        Q: Tell me a bit about the aircraft you fly
        and how do Ultralights work?
        A: I actually have 2 Ultralights with two
        different wing spans, a 31 ft and a 32 ft
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