P. 18

A Mystical Morning

                                                           by Sherri Brody

          The Sun                was busy painting streaks of red across the sk when I
                                 awoke, the vibrant hues streamed through my bedroom
         window. From my patio, I watched as the bursting sunrise spilled out over the Sea of
         Cortez, its shimmering reflection making bright white sparkles on a gray-blue wash. A
         typical sunrise. I walked down the short side street off Mar de Cortez Norte, the road
         leading to Campo Uno from the baseball stadium. A bougainvillea tree pregnant with
         bright fuchsia blossoms greeted me as I crossed the street to start my trek, passing
         the Hotel San Borja, Rueben’s Camp, and Kiki’s Hotel as I rounded the bend. All
         along the way I caught glimpses of my beach, the beach I’d come to cherish wheth-
         er in low tide, high tide, or the dangerous Kings Tide. The journey took me past a
         one-story white hotel with a restaurant that never seemed to be open. The resident
         cats are mostly calico and tortoiseshells. One friendly calico greeted me, so I sat on
         the sidewalk to offer her a lap. The cat in the lap delayed my walk only slightly, but
         soon the dogs guarding the nearby homes began barking incessantly, blasting the
         neighborhood with the first beacons of the morning. Soon I spotted my destination, the
         Cerrito de la Virgen Guadalupe near the lighthouse, with its shrine atop the hill, a site
         frequented daily by those wishing to light a candle or say a prayer. Even at this early
         hour, a few locals – a middled -aged woman and her son - passed me on the steps as
         I climbed. We took a moment to exchange greetings; their smiles beamed with kind-
         ness. At the top of the stairs sits is a narrow walkway for viewing. It encircles a small
         room with a statue bearing the likeness of the Virgin inside. She sits at the back of the
                                                            room  looking  outward
                                                            toward the town where
                                                            visitors  can  see  her
                                                            and offer their prayers.
                                                            The  walkway  winds
                                                            around  the  room  on
                                                            three  sides,  affording
                                                            stunning views in every
                                                            direction. A strong met-
                                                            al  screen  protects  the
                                                            statue  preventing any-
         one from entering the space and desecrating it. Many people leave silk flowers and
         candles on a ledge just outside the screen. But on this particular morning, I noticed
         that a small square hole about a foot wide has been cut out from the bottom of the
         screen and a burning candle placed just inside. So desperately had someone wanted
         the Virgin to hear their prayers,
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