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                                In a decade when print was repeatedly declared dead, I persist-
                               ed in believing that there were other people out there like me,
                               people who still reveled in paper with photos, interesting and
                               fun stories, informative articles, and not just posts taken with a
                               smartphone and placed on social media .
                               So welcome to the Spring Edition of San Felipe Breeze Maga-
                               zine in print. We plan to publish quarterly, as well as have an
         on-line presence on our digital website, so our winter friends can view the magazine while up
         North.  As creator and editor of Breeze, I was asked by one of our sponsors WHY DO IT, and
         the only answer I could come up with is WHY NOT!  So at this time I want to thank first of all
         our sponsors, who took a chance on the magazine without seeing an actual edition, now that
         is blind faith for sure!! To my team of creative writers, photographers, artists and designers,
         thank you for your talent and contribution, I hope to be able to pay you a real salary soon :)
         To my talented friends like Victor R., Lyn S. & my patient wife Jan, you are much appreciated.
         And to you, our readers, I hope you will find an article, a story, or a pretty picture to enjoy
         what exemplifies life in our little village of San Felipe, home to a lot of us . I ask for your
         patience as with most new endeavors it will have many a bump in the road. But we welcome
         your positive suggestion to better improve the magazine. I consider through Breeze, our mis-
         sion to uncover in each issue something new, fun, maybe informative or historic that brings
         us to the realization that Felipe is a growing and a great place to live. Thank you and enjoy!

                       THE  CREATIVE TEAM

           Sherri Brody        Amy Leal          Heidi Blue        EC Trujillo
             WRITER             WRITER            WRITER            WRITER

         Nicole Cougher    Melodie Honey    Areli Villavicencio Cara Curfew-Kociela
          Ass. EDITOR          DESIGN            ARTIST        ADV. - MARKETING

        SF Breeze Magazine is register through it’s publisher at SAT and is govern by the financial rules of this Government
        Agency. All articles, photos and advertising are copwritten under article 13 of the Mexican Legislature and may not
        be copied, reproduced or distributed without the written consent of the publisher or it’s representative.   5
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