Page 12 - SanFelipe
P. 12

that dementia is a disease which robs our memory and which can be prevented in great
     part, as only 1/3 of patients with dementia have a genetic predisposition and 2/3 of the
     patients develop it is due to lifestyle. So, even though a person might have a genetic
     marker for any of the dementia diseases, it doesn’t mean they will develop the disease,
     as lifestyle can positively or negatively influence the development of the disease.
     Q. In addition to the Connective Horse Program, you also run the Therapeutic Riding
     Program, which is of great help to the community, can you gives a little background?
     A. Here in Mexico, the locals use the terms for equine therapy interchangeably, though
     there are several differences between Equine Assisted  Therapeutic Programs and
     Therapeutic Riding/Therapeutic Equine activities. Therapeutic Riding/Equine Activities
     means that what you do with the horse has a therapeutic benefit, as opposed to Equine
     Therapy which means you are a licensed therapist (mental & physical ) who, in addition
     of being a licensed practitioner, has gone through specialized training using a horse to
     implement such therapy.

     Essentially, it is a medical practice.  I am
     certified as a Therapeutic Riding Instructor, so
     I provide riding instruction to people who need
     some kind of assistance, whether children or
     adults. The assistance can be augmented rid-
     ing or augmented riding gear, such as special
     saddles and bridles.  We need to address the person’s disability through the riding. It
     could be an emotional disability and/or anxiety, it can be anything from missing limbs,
     cerebral palsy, epilepsy, quadriplegia, autism, etc. But the focus for me is to be able to
     teach a rider regardless of the disability for both children and adults.
     Q. How is this program being received in San Felipe?
     A. Currently, I am providing Therapeutic Riding lessons to the children from the Cam
     School which is a federal school for special needs children. Throughout the year, when
     the weather is amiable, and with the help of volunteers (we always need more), we
     bring several of the to the EC to receive lessons. That way, teachers and counselors
     can accompany them and sometimes the principal joins us as well. They integrate what
  12  they learn at the Center as part of their lessons. With these children, because of the
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