Page 10 - SanFelipe
P. 10

Q  A             If you got a horse, a hat, a rope, fancy boots and a song.
                      There’s very little else in this world you need.

        Saddle      Ly        n    n
        up with

                                   by E.C. Trujillo,
                    photos by Rodger Myers & Joe Pier

     I had the pleasure of meeting  Lynn  Lazzarini
     “the horse lady” recently. I was very interested
     in  knowing how she became involved with the
     Equestrian Center at El Dorado Ranch (EDR) and
     the services she provides.
     Q. As a background to the article, tell us how you
     got interested in the equine lifestyle?
     A. I started as a child by following my older sister
     around which led to me applying to and getting
     into a pony club. As time went on, I became the assistant instruction coordinator for the
     USA Pony Club, Oregon Region. I was also an elementary school teacher, so teaching
     comes naturally to me. Now, as far as working with horses, I have done it all, from
     grooming to teaching, only taking a break when my kids were little and when I was
     studying for my master in education. So I was very happy when I retired and moved
     here, as I was able to be involved in teaching again, and as you mention, I now have
     added another chapter in my life, doing something I love.
     Q. What was the process that made you decided to relocate to San Felipe and open
                                      the equestrian center in EDR.
                                      A. Well, as it happens, I retired early and
                                      came down to SF with my horse.  First, I
                                      stayed in the Ejido and then south of town at
                                      a friends place a Las Minitas. Once I felt I was
                                      settled, I reached out to the EDR developer
                                      and proposed my idea for the equestrian center
                                      (EC). I would lease the land and run the EC.
                                      That was very well received by the developer
                                      as it would help him and the HOA fulfill their
                                      promise of an EC without the liability or over-
                                      head. It would also help me and other owners,
                                      as it would give everyone a place to meet with
                                      their equine friends.
                                      Q. That was really the beginning of a great
                                      dream, wasn’t it?
  10                                  A. Yes! So, with 9 hectares I started the EC
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