P. 11

Q: Can you expand? What has made you who you are today?
         A: I am originally from Sinaloa, however my mother brought us to San Felipe
         when I was 10 y/o and this is what I consider my birth home. As a daughter
         of a single mother, the beginning of my life wasn’t an easy one, I had to real-
         ly be driven and take advantage of every opportunity available to be where I
         am at today. I started working at 15 while continuing going to school, I work
         as a cashier, a hostess and a model to be able to pay for my education. I
         graduated with a bachelor in Marketing and put my degree to work on my
         business. I also worked as a social promoter for the state. Because I was
         the daughter of a single mother, I promise myself that when I had the oppor-
         tunity of have children I would involved myself with their schooling and their
         after-school activities, I want my children to became well rounded healthy
         Q:  You  have  your  own
         business, what is it?
         A:  Yes,  I  have  a  tourism
         based  business;  we  sale
         and rent quads and dune
         buggies,  custom  boat
         trips, tours to places such
         as the Valley of the Giants,
         Puertecitos, Punta Estrel-
         la beaches and other fun
         places,  as  well  as  other
         interesting tours. My work
         is the place I go to rest and
         have  fun  when  I  am  not
         doing my job as a mom.
         Q: You have a busy life as
         a mom, wife and business
         owner, yet you find time to
         be involved on helping the
         community, what are some of your projects?
         A: When Jose Luis and I were dating, he would take me out to have ice
         cream and he would bring a garbage bag along so that we could pick gar-
         bage as we walked around the beach. He would also look at areas in town
         where there was graffiti and would buy a gallon of paint and we would go
         around painting over the graffiti. As a couple we started constantly doing
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